Friday, February 17, 2012

Homeschool Helps-Classical Conversations!

We have been using a program called Classical Conversations for the past 2 years. CC uses a classical method of instruction (from the beginning of time and moves forward from there). (Which has been so much easier to understand than the way I was taught history!) The children learn facts in sequential historical order in 3 different cycles starting with Foundations. Though we have chosen to teach our children CC at home with the memory cards and songs on CD, many parents join the local CC co-ops that are located all over the U.S. We have enjoyed learning this college level material to the tune of fun songs, games, & activities.
Here is how we use it:
First, I bought the Cycle 1 Audio CD, and the Cycle 1 Memory Cards on PDF
Then, I printed out the cards according to the colors CC prints theirs in. (You can pay $30 & they will make & laminate all the cards for you, or you can pay $15 and make them yourself) Since I had more time than money, I decided it would be better to make them myself. Plus, if they were ever lost or misplaced I would have the file to make new ones. Also, I was able to cut & make one set of cards for the kids to hold AND made another set that I didn't cut apart but just left them in sheets and put the sheets in page protectors in my CC binder. I had to call CC and ask them which colors went with which subjects.
I got a packet of assorted cardstock through our charter school & went to work.
Here are the subject-colors I used when I printed my cards:
The U.S. Presidents I left white & they are repeated in each cycle so your kids have 3 years to learn them;) Though they probably won't need that long since it doesn't take that long to learn a song!
They also do the same Math for all 3 cycles, so do not be discouraged if your kiddos don't have all of them memorized by the end of the year. There are other great ways to supplement (I will share more later).
Most of the memory work has songs to go with it except for Geography, Science & Grammar. So I went to my iTunes playlist and started matching-up songs with each memory sentence! Boy did that take a lot of work! But it was worth it when I noticed how much faster the kids were learning the facts since it was to the tune of a song.

Here are a few samples of the songs I have matched to the CC memory sentences:
Latin Noun Cases- to the tune- "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Five Kingdoms of Living Things-to the tune-"Farmer in the Dell"
Fertile Crescent-to the tune-"BINGO"
Prepositions-to the tune-"Yankee Doodle"
*Disclaimer-these are meant to help those that have already purchased the CC materials through their website*
Then I printed out my song matches & added them to my binder.
Then I went online and found pictures for the different subjects and printed those out & put in the binder. Voila!
I hope this has helped fellow CCers or anyone interested in CC.

Be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions! :)

To check out CC's website click here:

To purchase CC products for the K-6th grade click here:

Here are my kiddos practicing some of their CC memory songs! It really works! :)

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