Sunday, January 29, 2012

DIY Domestic Project #2- Homemade Laundry Detergent!

Here it is folks! Just like I promised. :) I got this idea from Pinterest. These are the ingredients I used. I got all my ingredients from Winco & Target.

Recipe for Homemade Laundry Soap:

Grate 3 bars of Fels-Naptha (in laundry isle at Winco).
Mix a whole box of baking soda, borax, washing soda & oxy clean. I added unstopabbles scented beads for added scent but you can omit this if desired. I put everything in a 10 lbs. bucket I found in the pet food section of Target. I liked this bucket because it was large enough to fit everything and it had a hinged lid that I could open & close easily. The bucket was $10 (an investment there, but I won't be wasting the plastic jugs that I was buying with the Tide.) For the rest of the ingredients the total was around $25. Which is how much I used to spend on Tide & it lasted only a month. This will last me 6 or maybe more!
My towels have never smelled so good! :)

*Tip: I recommend putting your scoop of soap in the washer BEFORE you put the clothes in & then turning on the water so it has a chance to dissolve a little.
Other than that it works great!

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